
DATES: 13 – 18 JUN 2017
LOCATION: Izvorul Muresului, Romania

The Dragon Dreaming Festival @ Izvorul Muresului is organised under the guidelines of the Open Space Technology (OST) with a daily rhythm, and is the perfect set-up to engage and deepen connection with the dragon dreaming as a collaborative instrument and practitioners, change-makers from all over the world. This year we are expecting participants, among other countries, from Brasil, Taiwan, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Germany, and of course, Romania. 

Daily Rhythm

07:00 Morning Energiser (yoga, meditation, or simply walk in nature)
08:30 Breakfast
09:30 Morning Plenarium
10:30 OST I (dragon dreaming, workshops, conversations, presentations)
13:00 Lunch
15:00 OST II (dragon dreaming, workshops, conversations, presentations)
17:30 Afternoon Plenarium
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Evening Celebration Programme.

By days:

In the day 12th traveling from Bucharest to Izvorul Muresului. Arrival at lunch time. Check-in and rest.
17:30 – Start of the Festival Pleanarium
19:30 – Dinner

Days 13th, 14th and morning of 15th are dedicated to the theme: “Dragon Dreaming and the visible emergences: tools, techniques, experiences and projects”
Day 15th in the afternoon will be open time, with the possibility of a field trip or tracking in the region.

Days 16th and 17th are dedicated to the theme: “Dragon Dreaming and the network of change-makers worldwide: connection, relations and organisational emergences”.

Day 18th is the departure day. Programme ends at 10:00 a.m. after the Festival Closing Circle.
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Festival Closing Circle

1. find out details about the venue at Izvoru Muresului here.
2. more about OST.